Grants And Other News

From The Good Food World

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  • wholesome wave, prescriptions for fruits and vegetables, accessible foods, health and wellness, michel nischan

    Prescriptions for Fruits and Vegetables a Blossoming Program - Wholesome Wave (taken from Web M.D)

    Original article can be found here . This article places a spotlight on Wholesome Wave co-founder and chairman - Michel Nischan.

  • hydroponic farming, the real organic project, the new york times, dave chapman, farming

    No Soil. No Growing Seasons. Just Add Water and Technology. - The Real Organic Project (taken from The New York Times)

    Original article can be found here. This article looks at the growing hydroponic farming sector and quotes Dave Chapman - The Real Organic Project executive director. Chapman states “hydroponic production is not growing because it produces healthier food. It’s growing because of the money. Anyone who frames this as food for the people or the environment is just lying.”.